Mists of the Soul

I have been a spiritual seeker of the path most of my life, as most I am a combination of many universal traditons ideals and beliefs and talents. I lean towards Native American, because the energies of where I live. Lakota tribal land in NNW Iowa, USA My journey began in search of the Great Flood in religions, and I wandered from there... Seeker, Guide, Artist, Watercolorist. Calligrapher

Friday, January 27, 2006

Darkness of the Path and Soul to the Divine ONE

My heart wrenches with the struggle of a friend....I feel, know and remember my own struggles, especially the ones along the path in darkness. Stumbling, grasping, losing my balance, and my way.

But if I remember to hold very still, and to silence my mind even for a moment..I remember the light dispells the darkness of the path and my soul, and I can again see my way.

No matter how many others are around us, we each walk our path alone. Some may cross it , some may walk along beside us but each step is ours, each choice is ours.

This world earth, and our 9-5 jobs, and the hectic race of life, is not reality. This is an illusion where we practice our lessons of choice.

The Divine ONE is reality, from whence we come and to whom we are with, and the one we return to. All paths lead to the ONE, no matter how crooked or up and down, the journey the destination is always the divine ONE

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Chaning Mists of Choice

Mists I always first think of MIST as being white and curling like smoke from a cigarette, or like fogginess in lowlands.....

BUT as I meditated the other day, mist struck me to be more like ocean waves and storm clouds only white and moving slower. Moving Changing constantly alive; Change, is the one guaranteed things in this lifetime here in this deminsion. Constant change. It is a sad place for those who do not like change, they are constantly unhappy here.

Change can be a choice! Most people think they are at the mercy of the ups and downs of fate, like a terrible tossing storms at sea. It is not like that at all, choices are freewill. Everytime you make a choice no matter how small and insignificant it may seem at the time, it changes the direction of our spiritual path. I know everyone has heard the urban myth of the person who stopped one morning going out the door to work, to take a phone call. While on the phone, they heard an airplane hit the bridge their car would have been on that very minute.

Traveling on an interstate highway, makes you quite aware of your choices, you pass certain cars more than once, they pass you while you are at a rest stop.

Awareness of choices and their possible consequences is part of the seekers way. It is more than intuition...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Why Renewal

The snow is falling softly today, renewing the snowy landscape making it look new and pristine.

Even in the depths of winter, there is renewal.

All we can count on in a lifetime on this space time continum is birth change and death. This is a renewal time in my life cycle. Little entities are preparing to come and share our life. True miracles in my opinion.

How does life begin? Of all the possiblities that are available, Why in that instance a blink in time, does it combine and begin? Though our scientists can explain "what" happens in the developement and growth, what is the WHY? and creates such a intricate and complicated set of networks for life on this planet.

WHY renewal, why here, why now why? Why? WHY?

I heard a minister explain death, which is appropriate here too. Life for us from this point of view is like the back side of a fancy embroidered cloth. Knots and strings running all over the place, a mass of confused threads, BUT from the divine ONE's side it all makes sense and is beautiful!!

Someday I will know the why....

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Where, What, Why Posted by Picasa

Everyday Miracles of Winter

Sunshine....how dreary when there is not light in our lives. As I travel across the countryside, the Sun reflects off the frozen ice crust of the snow. The land is flat, with only homesteads (Prairie Islands) breaking the starkness of the frozen scene. The sky is BLUE, shades of blue cool up above and still blue green at the horizon. The wetlands, corn stalks thru the snow, still reflect enough to change the shade of blue greenish.

I have heard it called the Artic Wasteland, and it is forbidding. But there is life abundantly. How only the ONE knows!! The temperature here can go -80 F degrees, yes that is MINUS, with the roaring winds of winter it can freeze flesh in moments outside. Anything below -20 F degrees, is moet since when you freeze you freeze. Actually, Alaska has better weather than we have.

One of those everyday miracles that I speak of happens outside my window daily. The bluejays and other birds come for snacks, where they stay the night and winter days is a mystery. The four squirels that grace our grove this year is a population explosion, how does their fluffy tails keep them warm...we suspect they may be using the Wood Duck houses. LOL. The dear have not come back since it snowed, and they are ripping out a bridge, so they cannot get across the river now. A doe with triplets, a male and two little females. We worried how she was going to feed them...things always seem to work out, we heard a hunter took the little male after wounding it badly.

How can anyone doubt a divine influence, just look out your window, for several miracles a day!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Signposts and Guides

The choices are made from our "knowings". Some of the knowledge we use is from books, TV, guidance, experience. But soon on our journey, we become aware of "knowings". Information, we have no way of having a source for. It comes from deep inside our souls. Intuition somewhat, 6th sense maybe, but not even that can explain that we just absolutely know! Trust that and follow for those are your signposts for this path.

Along the way.... there come others who help us remember what we already know. They seem to be advanced, and know how to do marvelous things, only told in myth and legend. Too often they are misunderstood, put on pedestals they do not wish to be on. Beware of the ones that are loud showy, and like the limelight, for the real helpers are quietly in the corner, observing, making a comment here or there. They help answering your questions, because someone needs help , not for any other reason. Someone helps you and someday you will help someone else along the way.

Maybe people will find this blog interesting thought provoking, informative maybe they won't, it will be whatever it will be! Join me and add your thoughts as we make our journey thru the Mists of the Soul

Mist is like Blank White Paper

Just as painting is a solidary endeavor, for no matter how many people surround you, it is just you the blank white paper, brush in hand and vision in your mind...you are solitary as you walk your path. Many, many guides will cross your path, some for just a smile, some for years of mutual instruction to walk the path parellel to yours for a while. But I walk alone, wandering following a path laid out for me by the divine ONE.

You and I alone will make the choices, that will take us back to the divine ONE. Our journey is full of obstacles that will be our lessons. It will be whatever we make of it, dramatic, boring, full or empty, satisfy or worthless; and that is as it should be.

Dancing Mists

Seekers in the Mists of the Soul

One day we are aware of new things deep in our Souls....we need answers and we begin to seek them. I myself wander.....reading book upon book sometimes 4 at a time. One subject to the next finding that they are all interconnected and there is a complete and purposeful vein that I am following.

Our Journey of a thousand miles, begins with a step...

Before us, it is all in Mist; curling and playing hide and seek with us. Tantalizing us with the glimpses we can catch thru it...we walk into the Mist, not knowing what it will tell us or where we will end up, but deep in our Soul we "know" it will be with the ONE.....

I believe in the ONE True Spirit,
Creator of heaven and earth and all therein.
Of everything known and unknown,
Everything preceived and unpreceived,
Everything Imagined and unimagined,
For Universe upon Universe,
For all infinity and beyond...........

And so may it ever be.

Our path lays before us shrouded in Mist, we do not realize it but it is a slow spiral upwards, and with every completed turn, we begin another level with the same lessons just harder. It does not matter how far or how long we have been seeking, we are all equal, just at different stages. We are all seekers and all guides. There is a saying when sa tudent is ready the teacher will come, BUT the teacher learns as much as the student. In my years of teaching watercolor and calligraphy, I know this to be so, for in trying to show and explain a concept or idea to a class, I find that it made me examine it more thoroughly, break it down to its essence and simplify it to explain to someone else. I learned this when my daughter first asked me, "How do you paint?" the student taught a great lesson that day....

Dancing Mists