Mists of the Soul

I have been a spiritual seeker of the path most of my life, as most I am a combination of many universal traditons ideals and beliefs and talents. I lean towards Native American, because the energies of where I live. Lakota tribal land in NNW Iowa, USA My journey began in search of the Great Flood in religions, and I wandered from there... Seeker, Guide, Artist, Watercolorist. Calligrapher

Monday, January 09, 2006

Seekers in the Mists of the Soul

One day we are aware of new things deep in our Souls....we need answers and we begin to seek them. I myself wander.....reading book upon book sometimes 4 at a time. One subject to the next finding that they are all interconnected and there is a complete and purposeful vein that I am following.

Our Journey of a thousand miles, begins with a step...

Before us, it is all in Mist; curling and playing hide and seek with us. Tantalizing us with the glimpses we can catch thru it...we walk into the Mist, not knowing what it will tell us or where we will end up, but deep in our Soul we "know" it will be with the ONE.....

I believe in the ONE True Spirit,
Creator of heaven and earth and all therein.
Of everything known and unknown,
Everything preceived and unpreceived,
Everything Imagined and unimagined,
For Universe upon Universe,
For all infinity and beyond...........

And so may it ever be.

Our path lays before us shrouded in Mist, we do not realize it but it is a slow spiral upwards, and with every completed turn, we begin another level with the same lessons just harder. It does not matter how far or how long we have been seeking, we are all equal, just at different stages. We are all seekers and all guides. There is a saying when sa tudent is ready the teacher will come, BUT the teacher learns as much as the student. In my years of teaching watercolor and calligraphy, I know this to be so, for in trying to show and explain a concept or idea to a class, I find that it made me examine it more thoroughly, break it down to its essence and simplify it to explain to someone else. I learned this when my daughter first asked me, "How do you paint?" the student taught a great lesson that day....

Dancing Mists


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