Everyday Miracles of Winter

Sunshine....how dreary when there is not light in our lives. As I travel across the countryside, the Sun reflects off the frozen ice crust of the snow. The land is flat, with only homesteads (Prairie Islands) breaking the starkness of the frozen scene. The sky is BLUE, shades of blue cool up above and still blue green at the horizon. The wetlands, corn stalks thru the snow, still reflect enough to change the shade of blue greenish.
I have heard it called the Artic Wasteland, and it is forbidding. But there is life abundantly. How only the ONE knows!! The temperature here can go -80 F degrees, yes that is MINUS, with the roaring winds of winter it can freeze flesh in moments outside. Anything below -20 F degrees, is moet since when you freeze you freeze. Actually, Alaska has better weather than we have.
One of those everyday miracles that I speak of happens outside my window daily. The bluejays and other birds come for snacks, where they stay the night and winter days is a mystery. The four squirels that grace our grove this year is a population explosion, how does their fluffy tails keep them warm...we suspect they may be using the Wood Duck houses. LOL. The dear have not come back since it snowed, and they are ripping out a bridge, so they cannot get across the river now. A doe with triplets, a male and two little females. We worried how she was going to feed them...things always seem to work out, we heard a hunter took the little male after wounding it badly.
How can anyone doubt a divine influence, just look out your window, for several miracles a day!!
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