Why Renewal
The snow is falling softly today, renewing the snowy landscape making it look new and pristine.
Even in the depths of winter, there is renewal.
All we can count on in a lifetime on this space time continum is birth change and death. This is a renewal time in my life cycle. Little entities are preparing to come and share our life. True miracles in my opinion.
How does life begin? Of all the possiblities that are available, Why in that instance a blink in time, does it combine and begin? Though our scientists can explain "what" happens in the developement and growth, what is the WHY? and creates such a intricate and complicated set of networks for life on this planet.
WHY renewal, why here, why now why? Why? WHY?
I heard a minister explain death, which is appropriate here too. Life for us from this point of view is like the back side of a fancy embroidered cloth. Knots and strings running all over the place, a mass of confused threads, BUT from the divine ONE's side it all makes sense and is beautiful!!
Someday I will know the why....
Perhaps we are the eyes and ears, the senses of the One, which it uses to experience itself. Perhaps there is no ultimate reason, it just is. Perhaps we are simply a part of the One, along for the ride on the endless spiral of becomming. Or perhaps...................?
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