Chaning Mists of Choice
Mists I always first think of MIST as being white and curling like smoke from a cigarette, or like fogginess in lowlands.....
BUT as I meditated the other day, mist struck me to be more like ocean waves and storm clouds only white and moving slower. Moving Changing constantly alive; Change, is the one guaranteed things in this lifetime here in this deminsion. Constant change. It is a sad place for those who do not like change, they are constantly unhappy here.
Change can be a choice! Most people think they are at the mercy of the ups and downs of fate, like a terrible tossing storms at sea. It is not like that at all, choices are freewill. Everytime you make a choice no matter how small and insignificant it may seem at the time, it changes the direction of our spiritual path. I know everyone has heard the urban myth of the person who stopped one morning going out the door to work, to take a phone call. While on the phone, they heard an airplane hit the bridge their car would have been on that very minute.
Traveling on an interstate highway, makes you quite aware of your choices, you pass certain cars more than once, they pass you while you are at a rest stop.
Awareness of choices and their possible consequences is part of the seekers way. It is more than intuition...
I enjoyed this very much. ...Z
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