Mists of the Soul

I have been a spiritual seeker of the path most of my life, as most I am a combination of many universal traditons ideals and beliefs and talents. I lean towards Native American, because the energies of where I live. Lakota tribal land in NNW Iowa, USA My journey began in search of the Great Flood in religions, and I wandered from there... Seeker, Guide, Artist, Watercolorist. Calligrapher

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mists of Peace

Mist crowds my minds, driving away thoughts...mists are a place to rest. This time of year always makes me think of the ants hurrying to get ready for winter coming.

In the mist thoughts can drift and turn and combine and that is a place of creativity, from a painting to how to organize the space in the bathroom.

In the mist the turmoil of emotions calm again, giving peace for a time.Mist is a refuge from the outward world. You can practice your spirituality, pray for all your blessings, and soothe your grief.

Lately, the blog is a bit dreary....Death has been stroding around in my world...each time I have to pass thru my old beliefs and conditioning to what I really know and believe. It is just a passing like from one room to another, should be a celebration of gladness for the one who is gone, now they know all those answers to our musings. And it IS a nicer place than here. But we will keep working on making this nice anyway!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet that peace is, allowing you to take stock of your life. Spiritually, you have a time for renewal and a time to restore your grounding. Peace is always refreshing for the spirit.

4:31 PM  

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